Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chapter 2: Fun Times and Dark Skies

 Here's a fun fact about Belfast that most of you probably already know: it rains... a lot!

Belfast Tip#2

Always carry an umbrella

Honestly, Belfast reminds me of Millersville a little bit. It rains most days in Millersville, and it rains everyday here. One day, I learned that I should just carry around my umbrella in my bag. Makes sense since it rains so often in Millersville, right? You think I would do the same here, yet I always seem to not bring my umbrella when we venture outdoors. And then I pay for it.

 So this is what I get to look forward to everyday: rain and puddles of water everywhere! Speaking of my lack of rain preparation, guess what I decided to leave at home. I figured I'd save some room by leaving my rain boots behind. I figured, eh, it can't be too bad over there. I survived my first year at Millersville without them. I wish I had them a few days ago. By the time I made it back to my room, my pants and converse were soaked!

During our second day here, Zac and I decided that we never really left Millersville. Everyone just suddenly developed an accent, the school transformed to look like a castle, and the 8 hour plane ride really went to nowhere, all because the weather is so similar.

 Now on to a more fun topic.

Last Friday night, the school put on a traditional Irish meal for the international students, known as a ceili (pronounced "key-lee"). 

I don't remember what this was called, but I can tell you it was some sort of Irish chicken dish, and it was delicious! They also had different types of bread, salad, potatoes (of course), as well as a different type of lasagne. 

On a side note, the hall we were in was beautiful. For some reason, I only took a picture of the ceiling and not the building itself.

After we ate, we had the opportunity to learn some Irish dancing. We stayed for about 4 different dances. We all had a lot of fun, and I managed to get a few pictures of Lindsay during the times I sat out.

 It was good craic, as the Irish would say.While on the topic of good craic, I'm sure you're all interested to hear about the nightlife here in the U.K. The only two places I've been thus far are known by the locals as "Egg" and "The Bot".

Here's a random little tidbit: my favorite part about the pubs here is that they show WWE! I'm guessing it has to be fairly popular over here if they show it in the pubs. I'm sure you can all imagine how excited I was when I first walked into the pub and saw Monday Night RAW on tv (by the way, this happened on a Thursday night) :D

So that's all for this installment. Hope you enjoyed it, and by sure to check out our video blog! (See Lindsay's facebook for the link, I'll include it next time)


  1. OK - anyone who knows you would know that you took a picture of the ceiling because its YELLOW!!! Sorry about the grey skies and rain. You will be happy to know that you are exactly right in that the weather is just as crappy here! BLEH!

    I'm glad you are getting out and having some fun! No slacking on the studies:) We are plugging along here... missing you and your knowledge of all things Certification and of course your ever positive and SUNNY disposition.

    I hope all is well with you and you are healthy, warm and mostly dry (except around the edges!)

    Take care sweety!!!

  2. Kat! I miss you! Come back to the cert. office! I hope you are having a wonderful time. Keep updating your blog :)

    <3 Angela
